Curriculum provided

Play and the EYFS - ( What will your children be doing )

Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outdoors. Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development.


Children should mostly develop the 3 prime areas first. These are:


Personal, social and emotional development

PSED 1—Making Relationships

PSED 2— Self-confidence and self-awareness

PSED 3—Managing feelings and behaviour


Communication and language

CL 1— Listening and attention

CL 2—Understanding

CL 3—Speaking


Physical development

PD 1—Moving and handling

PD 2—Health and self-care













These prime areas are those most essential for your child’s healthy development and future learning. As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas. These are:








M2—Shapes, space and measure


Understanding the world

UW1—People and communities

UW2—The world



Expressive arts and design

EAD1—Exploring and using media and materials

EAD2—Being imaginative


We use these 7 areas to plan your child’s learning and activities. We make sure that the activities are suited to your child’s unique needs. Like a curriculum in primary and secondary schools, this framework is suitable for very young children and is designed to be flexible for your child's changing needs and interests.

Characteristics of Effective Learning

The Characteristics of Effective Learning underpin learning and development across all areas and support the child to remain an effective and motivated learner.


Playing and exploring – engagement

Finding out and exploring

Playing with what they know

Being willing to ‘have a go’


Active learning – motivation

Being involved and concentrating

Keeping trying

Enjoying achieving what they set out to do


Creating and thinking critically – thinking

Having their own ideas

Making links

Choosing ways to do things

Two Year Check

Shortly after your child turns 2, your keyworker will write a report about how your child is progressing within the prime areas, this will be discussed and  shared  with you.


This check will highlight areas where your child is progressing well and anywhere they might need extra help or support.


You might find it useful to share the information from the check with other professionals such as health visitors (who can use it as part of the health and development review).

Transition to School

To support your child’s transition to school the children’s key-worker will write a report to show how your child is progressing across all the areas of learning. This will be shared with you and a copy will be sent to the school your child will be attending.


We also have visits from the Reception Class Teachers, share photo books and stories, information with the  children.

St. Michaels Family Centre, Saddlebow Road,

King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 5BN

Telephone: 01553 770439